Our Story
From Southland, New Zealand, we’re passing on the love with our sweet, fresh-tasting produce.
We’ve been growing the sweetest parsnips, carrots and other vegetables since our great-grandfathers grew their first parsnips in the garden. Today, we combine their wisdom with our own innovation to consistently grow top-quality produce – something we’ve been doing for more than five generations. Originally known as Southern Cross Produce, we rebranded to So Sweet to reflect the exceptional quality and taste of our food.
Our southern climate’s cool temperatures yield deep, fertile soils that give our produce its uniquely sweet taste. The integrity of our organic range is assured through AsureQuality's rigorous certification process, covering every stage from soil and fertilisers to seeds and coatings, ensuring complete traceability from field to market.
All our So Sweet produce in any store can be traced directly back to their origin.

At So Sweet, we're more than just growers; we're committed to bringing you the best, most nutritious produce, and passing on this goodness to you.
A Sweet Philosophy
Nature is not mute – it is mankind who is deaf to its melody.
We believe magic can happen when perfect alignment occurs, but that requires us being part of the process, not interfering with it.
Nature is the platform from which our story is written. Our people and passion for perfection are part our tale that continues to develop today. New Zealand was colonised as a food producer for the world, initially producing food for the industrial revolution; our GDP now relies heavily on food exports.
The So Sweet story builds on the resolute tale of New Zealand as a small Pacific nation, home to the perfect culmination of clean air, fresh water and rich productive soils. Our story is one of people, passion and the perfect natural alignment to create magic; to create a world-leading natural growing environment.
Our natural resources allow us to harvest the world’s best produce. Our job is to be the caretakers and nurturer of our environment. But moreover, our gaze goes beyond guardianship of our pristine land, we apply the same ethos to our people, our community and family.
Each of these components are respectfully cultivated. Striving for perfection ensures we are not just world leading producers, but our people are content, valued and enjoy their work.
At so Sweet we listen to nature, we let the environment take the lead. We appreciate the environment is not just the soil and land – it is our offices, our factory, and the homes our team go home to every night. To pay respect for such treasures from our land, we invest in our community and people, and they in turn invest in us.
So Sweet is proud to be a leader in the produce industry and that is because we all share a mandate to yield healthy delicious sustainable food with New Zealand, and the world, while caring for those sitting beside us.
Sweet Values
Team Unity
Our values ensure our unified team is always producing the highest quality products efficiently and can always accomplish our ever-growing targets.
Our Fresh Team
Matthew Malcolm
Managing Director
021 241 8195 -
Regan Queale
027 686 7669 -
Jaime Queale
Accounts Manager
03 231 3073 -
Jesse Malcolm
Field Manager
03 231 3073 -
Rachael Butler
Daily Sales & production Manager
03 231 3073