Chef Jimmy Boswell’s Parmesan-baked Parsnips

Chef Jimmy Boswell’s Parmesan-baked Parsnips

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¼ cup flour – of your choice
1 level tsp mustard powder
60 g (2 oz) Parmesan, finely grated
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1.5 kg So Sweet parsnips, peeled and topped
Olive oil or ghee



  1. Pre heat oven to 200°c. Combine flour, mustard powder, Parmesan, salt and pepper in a shallow bowl. Cut the parsnips into quarters, or eighths if they are large. If the centers are woody, cut them out.

  2. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Add the parsnips and boil for 3 minutes before draining in a colander. Using a pair of tongs (the parsnips will still be hot), place a few pieces in the flour and cheese mix. Move around until coated and then transfer to a tray. Repeat until all of the parsnips have been and cooked bacon. Simmer mixture until slightly.

  3. Pour just enough olive oil or ghee, about 2 tbsp’s into a roasting dish to cover the bottom and pop it into the oven to preheat. Once heated, take the roasting dish from the oven. Add the parsnips, taking care not to splash yourself with hot oil. Once all of the parsnips have been added, turn them over so they are well coated. Return the roasting dish to the oven and bake the parsnips for 20 minutes.

  4. Remove from the oven and turn the parsnips in the hot oil again then remove the surplus oil by tilting the pan and using a spoon to scoop it out. Return to the oven for another 15–20 minutes until really crisp and golden.

  5. Transfer the parsnips to a warmed dish and serve.